My Mac Book Pro is running OS X, and it has been getting slower everyday. I had been ignoring it - until now - because it's gotten so @#$%ing slow it's pissing me off. I shouldn't have to spend a dime to fix this. so you got the same speed problem? and you are cheap like me? You've come to the right place.
You're probably also like me. You turn off your Mac every night before off to sleep - and this is the problem. Let me explain why:
Mac is designed to run periodic maintenance tasks to get rid of unused logs and cache files. It also backs up some UNIX files. However, these maintenance tasks were programmed to run at night, at 3, 4, or 5 AM, depending on what they do. That is, unless your computer is turned off or asleep.
Manually run maintenance:
1. Open your Terminal ( Go/Utilities/Terminal )
2. Type :
sudo periodic daily ---- This runs maintenance task that is scheduled daily
sudo periodic weekly ---- This runs maintenance task that is scheduled weekly
sudo periodic monthly ---- This runs maintenance task that is scheduled monthly
enter your admin password when asked, and wait patiently until it's finished.
bam! your Mac is just as fast as when you first got it! :D If you want additional optimization, check out below for a couple more free tips to speed up your mac!
Repair permissions:
Try repairing permissions with disk repair. What does it do? Basically, Macs assign permissions to applications and folders. If these permissions get messed up, your applications may run sluggishly or not even open. Just run it from time to time, you'll be glad that you did.
1. Open Dis Utility (Go/Utilities/DiskUtility)
2. Click on the drive you wish to repair permissions on
3. Click the First Aid Tab
4. Click the Repair Disk Permissions button
Clean up your startup:
Maybe there are too many programs running when you start up the computer.
1. Open System Preferences > Accounts > Login Items tab.
2. If you see an app there that you don't need and use, select it and click the minus (-) sign.
Wow Jack~
How do u discover this thing?
It's something new for me!
is't related to system RAM also? i dint experience any slow down on my mac so far.
I knew any computers will getting slower and slower due to more and more software installed in the system, that's why I dint install anykind of software until i need it.
thanks for this info~
like i said on the blog...i actually just found this out because my computer is getting slower everyday.
I banged my laptop computer with an open hand ontop of the keyboard and the screen went black with the eject button flying in the air. The cursor is on the screem but the pad doesnt work. What are the repairs that are going to be made? How much is isnt going to cost to mac repairs? Where do i take it to? smh so pissed at myself
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