Wednesday, March 27, 2013

show only curves + poly mel

string $myPanel = `getPanel -wf`;
if(`getPanel -to $myPanel` == "modelPanel") {
setNamedPanelLayout "Single Perspective View";
lookThroughModelPanel persp $myPanel;
modelEditor -e -allObjects 0 $myPanel;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves true $myPanel;
modelEditor -e -polymeshes true $myPanel;
modelEditor -e -displayAppearance "smoothShaded" -displayTextures off $myPanel;
setWireframeOnShadedOption 0 $myPanel;
setObjectPickMask "All" 0;
setObjectPickMask "Curve" true;

This script does the following: 
-hides all objects, show nurb curves, show poly meshes, turn off wired on shaded, go to smooth shaded mode, make only curves selectable

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