Wednesday, March 27, 2013

tearOff shotCam mel

string $myPanel = `getPanel -wf`;

if(`getPanel -to $myPanel` == "modelPanel")
lookThroughModelPanel primary_camera_rig:camera $myPanel;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves false $myPanel;
modelEditor -e -displayAppearance "smoothShaded" -displayTextures off $myPanel;
tearOffCopyItemCmd modelPanel $myPanel;
lookThroughModelPanel persp $myPanel;
modelEditor -e -nurbsCurves true $myPanel;

note: replace primary_camera_rig:camera with name of shotcam

this script does the following:

-looks through the shotcam, turns off the nurb curves, tears off the shot cam, looks through perspective cam again

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